Rutgers University, Newark
If you are enrolled in my class the website is on Blackboard
Statistical Methods (Large Section 100-150 students) 2008–2023
Introduction to Econometrics (undergraduate) 2009, 2012, 2023
Advance Econometrics (Time Series and Forecasting) 2018
Women in the Economy (undergraduate) 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016
Graduate Econometrics 1 (PhD and MA level) 2010, 2012-15, 2017-2024
Economics of Immigration and Gender (PhD and MA level) 2010, 2020
Introduction to Econometrics (DBA Program, RBS) Spring 2021, Spring 2022
ACADEMIC ADVISING Rutgers University, Newark
PhD Dissertation Co-Director
Tianhao Liu, PhD Management, International Business and Economics, Rutgers Business School 2019 – ongoing
PhD Committee Member
Kyungjoong Kim, PhD in Management, International Business, Rutgers Business School, 2022
Suwei Luo, Department of Economics, Rutgers New Brunswick, Fall 2022
Kyungjoong Kim, PhD in Management, International Business, Rutgers Business School, 2022
Ahmed Albrolisy, DBA Rutgers Business School 2021- 2022
Rae Yule-Kim, Department of Management (Marketing), Rutgers Business School March 2020
Hyun Gon Kim, International Business (Rutgers Business School Camden Fall 2017)
Tanu Kohli, Division of Global Affairs (University Lecturer at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
Irfan Ciftci, Division of Global Affairs (Turkish National Police)
Daewoong Choo, Division of Global Affairs (Research Fellow at Samsung Economic Research Institute, South Korea
Honors College Thesis
Richard Nguyen, Rutgers Business School (main adviser), 2019
Mussab Ali, Truman and Shwarzman Scholar, Rutgers Newark (second reader), January 2019
Aarti Modhwadia, Rutgers Newark (second reader), June 2017
Undergraduate Researchers
Diego Lafuente (Admitted to Columbia Law School)
Victor Castaneda (Federal Reserve Bank New York)
Amad Saulat (NJIT Math MA Program)
Other Teaching Experience
Department of Economics, New York University
Applied Statistics and Econometrics I & II (M.A. Program) 2006
Department of Economics, San Diego State University
Principles of Macroeconomics 2001, 2002, 2003,2004 Graduate Applied Research in Econometrics (MA level) 2002, 2003, 2004 Introduction to Econometrics (undergraduate) 2002, 2003, 2004
Department of Economics, University of California, Riverside
Research Methods in Business and Economics (undergraduate) 2001 Intermediate Macroeconomics (undergraduate) 1999 Introductory Econometrics (undergraduate) 1998 and 2000.
Academic Advising San Diego State University
M. A. Thesis Chair Busik Choi (Admitted to UC Irvine Economics PhD Program)
Research Assistants Shivraj Singh (Admitted to UC Irvine Economics PhD Program)
Richa Ajmera (Research position at Bureau of Labor Statistics)